Will Rowley - Director of Analytical Services, Infield Systems Ltd.

With formal training in business and law, Will is a Director of industry analysts Infield Systems Limited with 11 years experience of providing detailed strategic and market analysis within the offshore oil & gas industry. An accomplished author of sector reports, Will is the architect of Infield’s proprietary OFFPEX Modelling and Forecasting System and has developed an extensive array of medium & long-term market and financial models, including those used by the majority of the top 20 global oilfield services contractors. As an analyst and strategic advisor, Will has completed a multitude of sectoral, geographical and strategic studies on the offshore industry and provided the market perspective on over $34bn of investment & expenditure including transactions such as Abbot Group, CHC Helicopters, Vetco and >80% of the newbuild construction fleet.

Recent activity includes the development of OFFPEX Supply/Demand – Offshore Infrastructures, a comprehensive assessment & modelling of key assets, facilities, services and equipment and their respective supply/demand profiles through the coming eight years. This global study incorporates over 72 million data points and is the largest integrated study of its type every undertaken.

Will can be reached at will.rowley@infield.com